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2 Month Portfolio Stock basket

2 Month Portfolio Oct-Nov 2022

This small has been created on technical parameters where the strong fundamental stocks are at attractive valuations. We will enter the stocks 1st day of Month and exit on last day of 2nd month or whenever 8% gains are generated. Every month a new portfolio will be created with new stocks. This small case is for educational and knowledge purpose only and in no way a recommendation to buy stocks. it’s just our try to promote best available trick to make money with money management.

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2 Month Portfolio Nov-Dec 2022

This small has been created on technical parameters where the strong fundamental stocks are at attractive valuations. We will enter the stocks 1st day of Month and exit on last day of 2nd month or whenever 8% gains are generated. Every month a new portfolio will be created with new stocks. This small case is for educational and knowledge purpose only and in no way a recommendation to buy stocks. it’s just our try to promote best available trick to make money with money management.

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